제품소개 Product Descriptions

      select product.* , fi.wm_filename, fi.wm_file_width, fi.wm_file_height from ( select pd.* , ca1.wm_ca_id as ca_id1 , ca2.wm_ca_id as ca_id2 , ca3.wm_ca_id as ca_id3 , ca1.wm_ca_name as ca_id1_name , ca2.wm_ca_name as ca_id2_name , ca3.wm_ca_name as ca_id3_name from sp_product as pd left join sp_category as ca1 on pd.wm_ca_id1 = ca1.wm_id left join sp_category as ca2 on pd.wm_ca_id2 = ca2.wm_id left join sp_category as ca3 on pd.wm_ca_id3 = ca3.wm_id ) as product left join sp_board_file as fi on product.wm_id = fi.wm_bid and fi.wm_num = 0 and fi.wm_table = 'sp_product' where 1 = 1 and product.wm_use = 'Y' and ( product.ca_id1 like '0204%' or product.ca_id2 like '0204%' or product.ca_id3 like '0204%' ) order by product.wm_sort DESC limit 0, 8
    • Protective Clothing
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